First Noah built an Ark, then AiG had grand plans for one, but it looks like a chap in The Netherlands has stolen AiG's Ark thunder and gone ahead and built his own.
Johan Huibers took 20 years to build his fantasy boat which includes a restaurant, a movie theatre and a petting zoo. (I'm not sure if there is a swimming pool on the Aloha Deck, but my travel agent assures me there is a good chance of a night club on the Lido Deck).
For AiG this must be a bitter blow as their own 'Ark Encounter' faces ever increasing delays due to a lack of financial donations. Their 'Creation Museum' is also experiencing low attendance figures.
'Ark Encounter' Vice President Michael Zovath says there is currently no date in mind to begin construction on the AiG Ark. Looks like Johan in Holland has a lot to smile about, him and his stuffed tiger.
(Since Noah's Ark is not copyrighted I guess AiG can't launch legal action against him. I have no doubt they'd love to try).